What’s Been Going On?

our new URL is now www.lastgameover.comBy Juan Santellan

Well, you may have noticed that we have been inactive lately here at LGO and I just wanted to give you an update of what has been going on. As you know I needed a break and took some much needed rest. JDizzler is still currently enjoying some rest time of his own, and Tony G is back in the States back home.

Needless to say we did make a podcast before his departure, but at the time I was getting ready for my vacation to take some time off. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs had passed away shorty after our podcast was completed and we needed to edit out some things. We crack jokes on Apple and on Steve but it was all in good fun. However, given the circumstances we here at LGO thought it would not be tactful. It really isn’t even that bad, but we figure it is better just to be respectful.

Now you may be asking well why is the edited version not posted then?

Here is the other thing…..

We received an email from our podcast host that they will be closing their doors, because their finances our not where they would like them to be. As a result I need to look for a better solution to host out podcast, that provides sufficient storage and bandwidth.

Currently, I am in the process of brainstorming ideas. We may utilize YouTube to create mini-casts (breaking up our podcast in order to meet the length limitations on YouTube). Once we all gather our ideas here at LGO we will begin re-posting our podcast. Remember folks we only consists of a few people here (and welcome more who are interested and share our vision) so cut us some slack ^_^.

However, now that I am back I will continue to post regularly and keep you all up to date.

Thank you for your support,

-From everyone here at LGO ^_^**

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